Le Théâtre d’Abdera : (données archéologiques)

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K. A. Dimadis


The discovery of the location of the ancient theatre of Abdera in June, 1965, stands outs, perhaps, as the most important event in the history of the excavations of that city up to the present day. By good fortune, while attempting to locate the ancient theatre, the position of the eastern wall of the city was verified at the same as being about 1000 metres NE of the position of the theatre. The discovery, then, of the location of the ancient theatre, outside the archaeological site for that period, and the location of the eastern wall, were
the results of the search which we undertook for almost three months over the
whole of the cape of Abdera. We decided on this search because, although excavations had been taking place since 1950, some fifteen years, no temple,
shrine, or, indeed, any other public building had been discovered on the site,
nor the theatre, the search for which had been under way since 1950. After a study of the results of previous excavations and the historical sources, together with our own observations in the area, we.formed the opinion that the religious and administrative centre of the city must be sought further to the north of the site to which previous excavations had been limited. We hoped, therefore, to discover the location of the ancient theatre, thus vindicating the hypothesis we had formed from the evidence of epigraphy. The results of this research were positive, because at a distance of approximately 1000 metres NE of the point on the seashore were excavations were taking place, we located the site of both the theatre and the eastern walls of the city.

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