Inscriptions et monogrammes chrétiens du Patriarcat de Tărnovo (XlVe siècle)

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Ivan Djambon


The article presents number of interesting monograms and inscriptions
of bulgarian kings and patriarchs carved on pottery of the type “sgraphito”,
discovered during archeological researches in the ancient bulgarian capital
Tarnovgrad. On the base of many analogues, the author arrives at number
of conclusions concerning the content and reference of these monograms and
inscriptions. These are especially monograms and inscriptions of the bulgarian kings Ivan Alexandre (1331-1371) and Ivan Chichman (1371-1393). As for those of bulgarian patriarchs, the interest turns upon the monogram of patriarch Theodossii Tarnovski. All these monograms and inscriptions attest the level of culture and art
of the population of the capital of the Second Bulgarian kingdom during the
XIVth century.

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