L'historiographie de l'époque macédonienne et la domination Byzantine sur les peuples du sud-est Européen d’après les traités de paix du IXe siècle

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T. C. Lounghis


As pointed out by several scholars, in the second half of the ninth century

byzantine civilization began to expand in an area that D. Obolensky has
called “the Byzantine Commonwealth”. The author of this paper argues
that the building of such a Commonwealth was made possible only as a result
of a very precise policy of the Macedonian dynasty. This new policy
consisted of the renouncing once and for all of any “oecumenical” principle
that was the leading element of Byzantine political ideology until then. The
Byzantine-influenced area is delimited and described very precisely in the
DAI and forms a new, limited Oecumene, definitely banishing the work
of emperor Justinian I in the West. The new Byzantine political ideology of
the Macedonian dynasty condemned any attempt by the feudal opposition to
come back to the old principles of justinianic universalism.

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