Alexandre le Grand dans l’oeuvre “Chronicon Universale" de Frutolf de Michelsberg

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Wanda Gawlowska


The article concerns a detailed biography of Alexander the Gieat in the
work of a German chronicler living in the turn of 11th and 12th centuries.
First are discussed the three parts of this biography: Preface, “Excerptum
de vita Alexandri Magni” and “De mirabilibus rebus quas Alexander vidisse
dicitur”. The author comes to the conclusion that Frutolf introduces Alexander
the Great as a chief military and indefatigable explorer of the secrets of nature.
The idea of Alexander the Great’s picture consists in the words: “magnanimitas”, “fortitudo” and “exploratio”. Such a picture of Alexander was connected
with enormous interest to Eastern affairs in the period of the Crusades in
11th and 12th centuries.

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