A sixteenth century description of Crete and of the Ionian Islands composed by the venetian traveller Alessandro Magno

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D. Bernicolas-Hatzopoulos


The article deals with the passage relative to Crete and to the
Ionian islands contained in Alessandro Magno’s «relazione» of his travels
to the Eastern Mediterranean and to England in the mid 1500’s. An
important section of the passage is the one containing a description
of the city of Candia and of its inhabitants, men and women. It also
contains same character drawings of the inhabitants of the big island
and information on agricultural products and livestock raised in Crete»
the Ionian islands, and the Peloponnesian ports of call who were under
Ottoman control at the time of Magno’s visit. Also, the author of the
article gives, in the commentary, the names of Greek crew members»
contained in the «relazione», who served in the Venetian merchant
ships referred to by Alessandro Magno. The text of the «relazione»
is preserved in the Folger Library, in Washington, D.C.

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