Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα 2016-06-17T11:29:01+03:00 ΙΜΧΑ Open Journal Systems <p>Τα Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα αποτελούν την ελληνόγλωσση περιοδική έκδοση του Ιδρύματος Μελετών Χερσονήσου του Αίμου, που στόχο έχει να αναδείξει τη σύγχρονη έρευνα που επιτελείται με επίκεντρο θέματα και προβλήματα που αφορούν τη Χερσόνησο του Αίμου «από φιλολογικής, ιστορικής, εθνολογικής, αρχαιολογικής, λαογραφικής, κοινωνιολογικής, οικονομικής και πάσης άλλης απόψεως», ενώ επιπλέον επιδιώκει να συμβάλει στη «διαφώτιση της κοινής γνώμης επί των προβλημάτων της Χερσονήσου του Αίμου, προς διαμόρφωση ατμοσφαίρας αμοιβαίας κατανόησης μεταξύ των λαών της για την επίτευξη προσέγγισης και συνεργασίας μεταξύ τους», όπως χαρακτηριστικά αναφέρεται στο Άρθρο 2 του εσωτερικού κανονισμού του Ιδρύματος.</p> <p> </p> <p>Τα τεύχη από το 2005 έως και σήμερα διατίθενται στην ηλεκτρονική διεύθυνση :</p> <p><a href=""><sup><span id="page3R_mcid1" class="markedContent"><span dir="ltr" style="left: 195.433px; top: 425.925px; font-family: sans-serif; transform: scaleX(0.921739);" role="presentation"></span></span></sup></a></p> <p> </p> Abstracts 2015-09-26T18:19:56+03:00 Various Authors 2004-01-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2015 Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα Τομή στην πολιτική και πολιτειακή φιλοσοφία του Ρήγα: το ελληνικόν και το δημοκρατικόν ως δομικοί άξονες της «Ελληνικής Δημοκρατίας» 2016-06-17T11:24:34+03:00 Γιάννης Σύγκελος There is much literature on the life and writings of Rhigas. This article<br />attempts to complement the existing literature by examining and analyzing<br />the most significant features of his political thought as articulated in his vision<br />of the Hellenic Republic. How did Rhigas define the Hellenic character of the<br />envisaged republic? What role would the Greek language play? What sort of<br />democracy did Rhigas opt for? What kind of political principles would<br />dominate? Finally, we will attempt a short analysis of the form of nationalism<br />emerging from his writings and of assumptions whether his project could be<br />effective and viable. Copyright (c) 2015 Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα Η Αρχιεπισκοπή της Αχρίδας ως ιδεολογικό υπόβαθρο της εκκλησιαστικής ανεξαρτησίας των Βουλγάρων (1850-1870) 2016-06-17T11:24:51+03:00 Ελεονώρα Ναξίδου In this paper we present the Bulgarian point of view related to the reestablishment<br />of the Archbishopric of Ohrid. The Bulgarian aim to acquire<br />ecclesiastical independence in the middle of the 19th century was based on the<br />historical tradition of their ancient churches, that is of the Patriarchate of<br />Tamovo and of the Archbishopric of Ohrid. All Bulgarian texts of this period<br />do not fail to mention that the Archbishopric of Ohrid was a Bulgarian church<br />illegally abolished in 1767 by the Patriarchate of Constantinople. In spite of<br />this attitude, the Bulgarians never really fought for the re-establishment of<br />this old church. What they really wanted was an independent church on<br />national basis. They only raised this demand in 1867 for tactical reasons. On<br />the contrary the inhabitants of Ohrid showed more enthusiasm to the realization<br />of such a plan. Their zeal brought them to disagreement with the<br />leaders of the Bulgarian national movement. Examining this specific parameter<br />of the Bulgarian issue we are in front of a typical example of the ideological<br />function of history. 2004-01-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2015 Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα Παιδεία και εθνικό κίνημα στα Βαλκάνια: μια προσέγγιση της περίπτωσης του εξαρχικού γυμνασίου αρρένων «Κύριλλος και Μεθόδιος» της Θεσσαλονίκης (1880- 1913) 2016-06-17T11:25:09+03:00 Άννα Αγγελοπούλου The paper sets out to examine and clarify the contribution of Salonika<br />Bulgarian High School for Boys “Saints Cyril and Methodius” in the development<br />of Bulgarian national and cultural work. It also aims to find out and<br />explain the historical circumstances and factors which led this school to play a<br />significant and effective role in the emergence of Bulgarian national movement<br />in Ottoman Macedonia.<br />The Salonika High School for Boys “Saints Cyril and Methodius” was the<br />first secondary Bulgarian school in Macedonia during the period of Ottoman<br />Empire. It was founded in 1880 by Exarchate, the independent Bulgarian<br />ecclesiastical organization, and existed until 1913. Then, it was moved to the<br />town Goma Dzhumaja (today known as Blagoevgrad) in Pirin Macedonia of<br />Bulgaria where it exists until nowadays as “Saints Cyril and Methodius National<br />Humanitarian High School”.<br />During the period 1880-1913, the school was developed as a modern<br />educational establishment in multicultural Salonika and became the most influential<br />Bulgarian national centre in Macedonia. Bulgarian eminent intellectuals<br />and public figures are noted among the teachers and students at Salonika<br />High School for Boys “Saints Cyril and Methodius”. In addition, the school’s<br />graduates include outstanding figures which had participated in the Bulgarian<br />national revolutionary movement in Macedonia during the last decate of 19th<br />and early 20th century. 2004-01-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2015 Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα Ο Πέτρος Παπαγεωργίου και το γλωσσικό ζήτημα. Όψεις του εκπαιδευτικού δημοτικισμού στη Μακεδονία των αρχών του 20ού αιώνα 2016-06-17T11:25:26+03:00 Παντελής Μ. Νίγδελης This paper examines the attitude of Petros Papageorgiou (1854-1914), one<br />of Macedonia’s most important classical scholars and teachers, towards<br />demoticism. With exception of Manolis Triantaphyllidis, who cited two short<br />stories written by him in the demotic idiom shortly before his death, he has<br />uniformly been described as a purist, a disciple of Konstantinos Kontos, a<br />classical philologist and professor at the University of Athens. Research into<br />Papageorgiou’s (relatively modest) literary output plus a document from the<br />Consulate-General of Thessaloniki attesting to his membership of a committee formed to compile readers written in the demotic as a means of improving the<br />Greek language skills of the non-Greek-speaking populations of Macedonia<br />(1903) show a shift in his position shortly before the beginning of the Macedonian<br />Struggle, the result of a realistic appreciation of the language question:<br />the absorption of those populations into the Greek state and the ethnic<br />integration of Macedonia depended on their language assimilation, and that<br />could only be achieved through the demoticism of education. This also helps<br />explain his decision to write in the demotic idiom in the later part of his life. 2004-01-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2015 Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα Όψεις του μακεδονικού ζητήματος: εκπαιδεύοντας δασκάλους για τα ξενόφωνα σχολεία της ελληνικής Μακεδονίας (1912-1936) 2016-06-17T11:25:42+03:00 Σοφία Ηλιάδου-Τάχου In the present study we search the models of teachers’ education that<br />could contribute to the creation of the applicable conditions in order effective<br />in the field of non-Greek speakers’ assimilation teachers to be produced.<br />These models are the following: a) The technocratic tendency: It was expressed<br />by teachers, who attributed to the schoolteachers’ education the mission<br />of the linguistic assimilation of students coming from non-Greek speaking<br />communities, objective that presupposed, in their opinion, concrete interventions<br />in the level of educational action, b) The tendency of education of<br />teachers, “specialized in the northern Macedonian conditions”: This point<br />expressed by a Director in a teacher training school intended the students’<br />adaptation in the educational environment of non-Greek speaking villages<br />through their practical exercise, c) The theory of “creating a class of teachers<br />coming from the non-Greek speaking villages": According to this version the<br />process of “exellinisme” in Macedonia would be achieved, if a class of<br />teachers coming from the non-Greek speaking villages could be created. This<br />class could function as models in the local societies. The model that finally<br />prevailed in the education of Macedonian space was the last one. 2004-01-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2015 Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα Περί ανοήτου ταύτης εκστρατείας ... Ο Ελευθέριος Βενιζέλος και η συμμετοχή της Ελλάδας στην εκστρατεία της Ουκρανίας (Νοέμβριος 1918 - Απρίλιος 1919) 2016-06-17T11:25:58+03:00 Κωνσταντίνος Γ. Διώγος The participation of Greece in the Ukrainian Campaign (November 1918 —<br />April 1919) marked a turning point on greek foreign policy, at the end of World War I. It was the outcome of a longstanding policy that made use of all<br />diplomatic and military means, in order to achieve the completion of national<br />aspirations, within the frame of national ideology of the “Megali Idea”. The<br />main goals of the present essay is 1st) to interpret the political decision of<br />prime minister Eleftherios Venizelos to participate in the Ukrainian Campaign,<br />by sending two military Divisions, 2nd) to explore the response of<br />greek communities of Odessa and Crimea to the presence of greek expeditionary<br />forces in Southern Russia, 3rd) to revise the common perception in<br />historiography that the landing of greek military forces in Smyrna (on May<br />1919) was given as reward by the Allies, for the participation of Greece in the<br />Ukrainian Campaign, 4th) to attempt a new evaluation of the events, in a<br />political and diplomatic level. 2004-01-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2015 Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα Υπόθεση Μουλά και το ελληνικό τυρεμπόριο στην Αλβανία του μεσοπολέμου 2016-06-17T11:26:17+03:00 Θανάσης Μπράβος One more problem in the Greek-Albanian relations during the interwar<br />period was the Moulas question and that of Greek cheese producers who were<br />extremely active in that section of commerce in Albania. Object of this article<br />is the presentation of the way these questions were faced both by Greek and<br />the Albanian governments. Furthermore, in the intentions of the article is to<br />explain the Albanian attitude and simultaneously to show up the Greek<br />responsibilities in the impasse the relations of two countries had reached. 2004-01-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2015 Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα Η αναγγελία στον Τύπο του κορυφαίου γεγονότος στην Κωνσταντινούπολη του 1928. Η γλωσσική μεταρρύθμιση και η αλλαγή των αριθμών και του ημερολογίου 2016-06-17T11:26:33+03:00 Ιωάννης Μ. Μπακιρτζής The present paper focuses on the reform of Turkish language. This reform<br />took place in November 1928. The consequences of this process determined<br />the developments in the language for the next decades. For the reform’s<br />success important role played city of Constantinople. If the population of this<br />city accepted the changes, same acceptation would also happen in the<br />remainder country. For this reason Mustafa Kemal gave particular importance<br />to convince population of Constantinople that his proposing reforms would<br />bring a lot of profits in the intellectual progress of Turkish nation. Consequently,<br />this is the explanation of trying hard to defend language reform through the newspapers. Moreover, the creator of new Turkey travelled in all<br />the comers of his country, in order to propagate his ideas about Latin alphabet<br />and westernization. The majority of his people considered the old, Ottoman<br />language with the Arabic alphabet, as holy language. Koran was written in<br />the Arabic language, so the suppression of this alphabet amounted to a refusal<br />of Muslim identity. Turkey’s President expected that reactions would emanate<br />from the conservative partisans of religion. The tours of Kemal aimed to<br />convince Turks that their new alphabet brought country nearer to Europe. One<br />of his first tours had as destination Eastern Thrace. Kemal considered<br />European province of Turkey as symbol of reform. From there he began to try<br />for the success of new alphabet. Also, in the same paper has been added an<br />annex including some discussions in the Turkish Parliament. These discussions<br />on the language question shows attention that paid leaders of Turkey and<br />especially President of Turkish Republic to the new initiatives. 2004-01-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2015 Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα Η μεσοπολεμική Γιουγκοσλαβία στη μεταγενέστερη ιστοριογραφία. Ιδεολογικές και πολιτικές παράμετροι 2016-06-17T11:26:49+03:00 Αγγελική Μουζακίτη The current essay deals with certain aspects of a complex problem: The<br />presentation, analysis and interpretation of the main trends of the historiography<br />of Interwar Yugoslavia. The Serbian and Croatian historiography can be<br />divided into two categories. The first category is of great importance, since it<br />includes monographies and articles that reflect the main economical, social<br />and political developments in Tito’s Yugoslavia. In the period after the<br />Second World War a huge amount of historical works concerning the developments<br />in Interwar Yugoslavia has been produced. Scientific institutions such<br />as the Institute of Contemporary History in Belgrade and the Institute of<br />Croatian History in Zagreb have contributed a great deal to this effort. One<br />should take into consideration the fact that the majority of their scientific<br />associates did their research, while they promoted the ideals and principles of<br />a unified socialist Yugoslavia. The second category includes works that have<br />been produced since the early 90’s. The dissolution of Socialist Yugoslavia<br />and the formation of independent states had a huge impact on both Serbian<br />and Croatian historiography, since Sebian and Croatian historians viewed the<br />past in a completely different way. 2004-01-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2015 Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα Τα ταξίδια του Χέρμαν Γκαίρινγκ και η γερμανική πολιτική στα Βαλκάνια (1934-1936) 2016-06-17T11:27:38+03:00 Στράτος Ν. Δορδανάς After Hitler’s rise to power. National Socialist Germany took action with<br />the aim to restore diplomatic, economic and political relations with the Balkan<br />countries, which had suffered great damage in the Great War. In the beginning,<br />this action took the form of unofficial contact with the various countries,<br />in which the German representative Hermann Goring, Speaker of the<br />House of the Third Reich and Minister of Aviation, played a leading part.<br />From 1934 the German dignitary carried out a series of trips, visiting the<br />Balkan capitals and making contacts at a high political level. As was to be<br />expected, Göring’s trips sounded the alarm in diplomatic and political circles,<br />especially in all the countries that had been involved in World War I and<br />which consequently followed closely the reactivation of German politics in the<br />Balkans. Naturally, evaluation of the German diplomatic attempts to gain lost<br />ground in the region and to compete with the other powers was in direct<br />interdependence with the legacy of the war. If for some Balkan countries the<br />political counterbalance and revisionism had found an important ally in the<br />unstable international scene of the interwar period, for others the German<br />factor seeking fertile ground in the “power-keg of Europe”, which was the<br />Balkans, once again seriously threatened stability and peace. 2004-01-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2015 Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα Το σύμφωνο της Θεσσαλονίκης της 31ης Ιουλίου 1938: διπλωματικό παρασκήνιο, ελληνικές προσδοκίες και βουλγαρικές διαψεύσεις. Συμβολή στη μελέτη των ελληνο- βουλγαρικών σχέσεων της δεκαετίας του ’30 2016-06-17T11:27:23+03:00 Σπυρίδων Σφέτας The Salonica agreement, signed by Metaxas on behalf of the Balkan<br />Entente and Bulgarian Prime Minister Kiosseivanov, allowed Greece and<br />Turkey to remilitarize Thrace and Bulgaria to disregard the arms limitation<br />clauses of the treaty of Neuilly. It was a strategy of british diplomacy to<br />appease Bulgaria to join the Balkan Entente. But for Bulgaria the Balkan<br />Entente was a stillborn alliance. Sofia was pursuing a revisionism to the detriment<br />of Greece, Yugoslavia and Romania relying on Germany and saw the<br />Salonica agreement as a sign of weakness of the Western Powers. 2004-01-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2015 Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα Βρετανική ματιά στη Μακεδονία (1945-1946) 2016-06-17T11:27:55+03:00 Ιάκωβος Δ. Μιχαηλίδης The paper focuses on the political and social developments in Greek<br />Macedonia during 1945-1946. It is based on the weekly reports of the British<br />Consul in Thessaloniki. The fall of 1945 and the beginning of 1946 was a<br />crucial period in the Greek political scene. This was the period which prepared<br />the ground for the Greek Civil War. The weekly reports reveal that the<br />road to the rupture between the bourgeois and the communist forces was<br />inevitable. 2004-01-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2015 Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα Η ελληνική βαλκανική πολιτική στα δελτία ειδήσεων του ΕΙΡΤ Ιανουάριος - Αύγουστος 1975 2016-06-17T11:28:10+03:00 Δημήτριος Πανταβός Greek diplomacy had to be re-established, after the restoration of the<br />Hellenic Republic in 1974. Prime Minister Konstantinos Karamanlis aimed at<br />the improvement of bilateral relations with Bulgaria, Romania and Yugoslavia.<br />Karamanlis believed that through the reinforcement of bilateral relations,<br />he could establish substantial multilateral relations among balkan<br />countries. This paper presents the Greek Balkan policy during the first semester<br />of 1975 through news of the Greek radio. Although radio is a mild<br />diplomatic mean, Greek radio news succeeded in broadcasting Karamanlis’s<br />Balkan goals. Greek radio avoided any rhetoric exaggerations and enthusiastic<br />reports upon the Greek-Balkan relations, but insisted on announcing<br />diplomatic meetings, the low level ones included. Exceptions were made only<br />for Karamanlis’s visits in Beograd, Bucharest and Sofia. Discourses with the<br />Romanian, Yugoslav and Bulgarian leaders Ceauşescu, Tito and Zhivkov<br />were carried out in warm atmosphere and encouraged Karamanlis to promote<br />his idea about multilateral relations in the Balkan peninsula during the<br />Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe (CSCE) in Helsinki. 2004-01-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2015 Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα Προς τα πού βαδίζει η νοτιοανατολική Ευρώπη; Η πορεία της οικονομίας της ελεύθερης αγοράς στα μετακομμουνιστικά Βαλκάνια 2016-06-17T11:28:25+03:00 Θεοφάνης Εξαδάκτυλος In the early 1990s, the countries of the Eastern Bloc faced the collapse of<br />existing socialism and the loss of important commercial ties with the Soviet Union. The transition from the socialist regime to liberal democracy brought<br />about the transition from a centrally planned economy to the free market. The<br />purpose of this article is to study the two proposed economic transition methods<br />and to examine the reasons why there were different economic outcomes<br />in the countries of Southeastern Europe. The first section analyzes the basic<br />theoretical methods on economic transition. The second section traces the<br />common factors present in the Balkan countries and the third, the possible<br />causes that affected the smooth transition to a market economy based on these<br />common factors. Finally, the article combines these factors with other countryspecific<br />circumstances. The article comes to the conclusion that for Southeastern<br />Europe their relative failure is not due to the choice of method but<br />rather, due to the specific factors present in the Balkans: low levels of industrialization<br />at the onset of communism, low incomes at the start of the<br />post-communist era, geographic location, and, failure to achieve a clear breakup<br />with their past economic and political system. 2004-01-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2015 Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα Η περίοδος μετάβασης στα Βαλκάνια. Η περίπτωση της Αλβανίας 2016-06-17T11:28:46+03:00 Θεοφάνης Μαλκίδης Immediately afterwards the collapse of system of real socialism, the<br />countries of former Eastern notepad sought their integration -between these<br />and Albania- in Western European forms economic and political-military<br />collaboration and more specifically in the growth of relations with E.U. and<br />the NATO.<br />Of course, this process of democratization with parliamentary system and<br />with an economy that will give accent in the mechanisms of market involves<br />structural and institutional changes. The liberalization of economic structures<br />constituted a powerful “shock” for most economies that take place under passage,<br />at least for the first years of this process. The differences in the internal<br />policy and constitution of individual Balkan countries, the different orientations<br />internal and exterior political and the divergences in the levels of economic<br />growth determined the degree of success or failure of import of institutions<br />of mixed economy. The paper aims at it as it investigates the<br />economic and political parameters of period of transition in Albania and it<br />presents the main points that characterized this time phase. 2004-01-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2015 Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα Αγγελική Δεληκάρη, Άγιος Γρηγόριος ο Σιναΐτης. Η δράση και η συμβολή του στη διάδοση του Ησυχασμού στα Βαλκάνια. Η σλαβική μετάφραση του Βίου του κατά το αρχαιότερο χειρόγραφο, [Ελληνισμός και κόσμος των Σλάβων 6], Θεσσαλονίκη: εκδ. University Studio Press, 2004, σσ. 372 2016-06-17T11:29:01+03:00 Δημήτριος Β. Γόνης 2004-01-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright (c) 2015 Βαλκανικά Σύμμεικτα