Νon-statelessness in Greece : Is there a solution ?


  • Κωνσταντίνα Κεραμιτσή




Nation-states frequently resist international law attempts to limit the phenomenon of statelessness. They argue that the determination of the acquisition and loss of citizenship falls within their sovereignty and, thus, do not follow the principle that everyone has the right to citizenship. This is also the case with Greece. In the last decade, many revisions have been made to the Greek Citizenship Code, but the phenomenon of statelessness still exists. The lack of specific legislation and the absence of a particular procedure for determining stateless persons undermine their status considerably, living in Greece in a legal limbo condition. They do not have access to Greek citizenship and, at the same time, remain illegally in Greece in conditions of prolonged marginalization and discrimination. In this context, the purpose of this article is to highlight Greece's policy on citizenship and whether or not this policy has succeeded in improving the situation of stateless people.


