Νέα Δημόσια Διοίκηση και εθνικές αξιολογήσεις στη σχολική εκπαίδευση: Το παράδειγμα χωρών-μελών του ΟΟΣΑ και της ΕΕ
Main Article Content
In this study, the application of national assessments and accountability in school education as techniques and tools of the New Public Management in OECD and EU member countries were examined from a comparative perspective. In particular, the basic principles of New Public Management were presented, the available official resources of the 1988-2023 period were explored and the literature on the topic was thoroughly investigated. Data analysis revealed that states with a strong liberal tradition, such as the Anglo-Saxon countries, conducted national assessment programs and results-based accountability to promote marketization and assess school effectiveness and efficiency. In continental Europe and in the Nordic states, assessment and accountability tools were applied to ensure quality in their educational administration system being characterized by high levels of decentralization. In the Southern European countries with a long-term bureaucratic tradition, accountability issues were mainly prevailing in the educational policy-making process. In summary, at the supranational and international level, New Public Management appeared to have strong influence on educational administration in the period under investigation, and external assessment and accountability have remained as techniques and tools for auditing school organizations.
Key-words: New Public Management, national assessments, school education, OECD, EU