Η αναπηρία ως κοινωνική κατασκευή: μια δοκιμή υπέρβασης της θετικιστικής προσέγγισης
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As it is well-known, according to the social model approach to disability, disability is a social construction and not a purely bio-physical phenomenon. Thus, it falls within a multidisciplinary purview and not simply within the realm of medical or psychological diagnoses. This paper aims, not through empirical research but based on critical analysis using examples, to overcome the one-sided bio-physical approach. It aims at clarifying that the phenomenon of disability is partly perceptional and not completely objective, nor exclusively medically or psychologically defined through a positivist (or positivist-like) view. It examines the processes through which the socially constructed disability can be connected to the so-called “inclusive” education, the way in which disability is also connected to the concept of human rights and discusses the position of the disabled person in society today.
Key-words: Disability, social construction, education, rights