Το χιούμορ στα κόμικς: μια απόπειρα ταξινόμησης

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Ευαγγελία Μουλά
Κωνσταντίνος Δ. Μαλαφάντης


This text discusses the most representative characteristic of comics, humor. As comics have been identified with the joke, due to the etymology of the term (from comedy), this identification, although responsible for misunderstandings that have long degraded the medium, is not entirely misplaced. Humor is one of the most basic mechanisms for producing meaning in the quiver of comics and -under certain conditions - is one of their advantages. Here, an initial codification and classification of the types of humor found in comics is attempted. After a reference to the theories of humor and a rough distinction of the kind of humor concerning the age and maturity of the recipient, cases are examined by category: satire-parody, irony, intertextuality-inter-iconicity, visual conventions, onomatopoeia, stylistic choices, design code, metaleptic devices but also purely verbal humor. Thus, it becomes clear that comic humor ranges from the simplest, most obvious, and crude to the most complex, latent, and sophisticated. Still, in any case, every reader can enjoy it through his/her perceptive abilities.

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