Μια κοινωνιολογική προσέγγιση του σχολικού πειθαρχικού ελέγχου. Απόψεις εκπαιδευτικών και μαθητών δημοτικών σχολείων της Δυτικής Αττικής

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Ζωή Α. Αλ Σαμπάγκ


The present study deals with theoretical and empirical data concerning issues of discipline, order and disorder in the first tier of the Greek public school. In the research part, it adopts the qualitative approach of the interpretive analysis of semi-structured interviews of fifteen sixth grade students, schools of Western Attica and fifteen primary school teachers, also of primary schools of Western Attica. The aim is to explore both the views and attitudes of teachers and students towards the dominant school disciplinary system and the way in which the education system tries to reproduce its social role in the modern socioeconomic field as it is shaped in the social fabric based on economic needs of the market. Finally, highlighting the role of acting pedagogical subjects through their resistance strategies in the dominant school culture, is considered to be an important factor in reformulation of the official practices of the educational system.

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