“Excerptum de vita Alexandri Magni” Frutolfs von Michelsberg in den Manuskriptsammlungen der Nationalbibliothek in Warszawa

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Wanda Gawłowska


The writing of Chronicon Universale is attributed to a Benedictin monk,
Father Frutolf, of the St Michael Monastery near Bamberg and dates from
1099. However, until H. Bresslau published his Die Chroniken des Frutolf
von Bamberg und des Ekkehard von Aura in 1896, it was believed that Ekkehard
von Aura was the Chronicon's author. H. Bresslau’s comparative study
of the manuscripts proves that the original was not by Ekkehard. In fact, in
1117, the latter proceeded with an abridged version of Frutolf’s Chronicon
Universale, isolating certain sections referring to Alexander the Great, the
Huns, Longobarde et al. This study presents the two manuscripts of the
Excerptum de vita Alexandri Magni currently in the manuscript collection at
the University Library of Warsaw, Poland.

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