The Placement of the Fortress Turris (Procopius, “Bell, Goth.”, III. 14. 32-33)

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Alexandru Madgearu


The author rejects the opinions about the placement of this fortress at
Tyras (Cetatea Albă), Turnu Măgurele or Pietroasele, and gives some new
arguments for another solution: the Roman camp of Bărboşi. This placement
accords with the strategical position required by the description made by
Procopius and also with the fact that Bărboşi was, indeed, a settlement with
urban character, i.e. a πόλις, as the source says. Even the foundation in
Trajanic age is real. The name Tunis, justified by the aspect of the fortress,
replaced in early IVth Century the former name Dinogetia.

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