Docteur Georges Kiriazis : contribution à la prosopographie historique de l’Hellénisme de Roumanie au XIXe siècle

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Evangelia N. Georgitsoyanni


In 19th century large numbers of Greeks emigrated to Romania, attracted
by the ample financial opportunities that had arisen, as a result of the Treaty
of Adrianople (1829). Most of them were engaged in commerce, in the merchant navy and in the leasing of large domains. They created vibrant communities and contributed a great deal to the financial and cultural life of the country. Among the most distinguished personalities of Hellenism in Romania is
the doctor, intellectual and benefactor George Kyriazis. Born in 1829 in the
village Platanos, near Naupactos, he studied medicine in Greece and France.
He immigrated to Romania, where he worked till his death in 1893 as director
of the Xenocratis Hospital in Bucharest, which was donation of his uncle Constantin Xenocratis (1800-1876), rich merchant and landowner. The hospital,
which was in operation till 1921, followed European models and offered free
treatment to the patients. Kyriazis was occupied also in the medical research.
Besides, he possessed one of the richest libraries in the Near East. He also
made many donations through his will. He sponsored the Xenocratis Hospital,
he created a scholarship for poor Romanian high school students, he founded a
Technical Professional School in Missolonghi and he contributed to the foundation of a Girls’ School in Missolonghi, after a donation of Xenocratis. He also
made many donations to Samacovo in Thrace, Xenocratis’ birthplace. In general, Kyriazis’ life and activity show a characteristic aspect of the intellectual
and scientific level of his time in the Balkans and are a testimony to the
beneficent activities which contributed to the liaison of the Balkan people.

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