La participation des Serbes au mouvement antiottoman des princes de Valachie Cantacuzène et Brancovean et des petriarches orthodoxes Dosithéos Notaras et Dionysios Mousélimes, XVII-XVIII siècle

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Athanassios E. Karathanassis


During the years 1689-1711 a common anti-Turkish front was
organized in the Balkans. The instigators of this plan were the Patriarch
of Jerusalem, Dositheos, and the Vlach voivods Serhan Kantakouzinos
and Konstantinos Brancoveanu, and the main conditions for
its success were the participation of Russia and the unanimous support
of the Balkan people. Indeed, the Balkan people, led by their religious
and secular lords, declared from the very beginning their desire
to fight for the success of such a plan. The author’s purpose is to outline
the Serbs’ participation and collaboration in this movement and to
present the protagonists: George Brankovič and his brother Sava the
Metropolitan Bishop of Transylvania, the Metropolitan Bishop of Ipee
Arsenius III Čarnoević, the military men Jankovič, Sinobat and Ivan
Tekeli, the brothers Milo and Gavrilo Milaradović, and others.

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