La communauté européenne et la diplomatie vénizélienne

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Domna Visvizi-Dontas


In this study the author examines and analyses the post-Lausanne rôle
Venizelos played during the diplomatic efforts towards the formation of a
united Europe. It is argued that Venizelos was opposed to a “Balkan Locarno”,
and he pursued the foundation of an association of the countries of Eastern
Europe. Such an association could be attained by creating a common market
of agricultural products and a customs union connecting Danzig with the port
of Thessaloniki. He upholded also that this European economic community
could eventually develop into a political entity. International circumstances afforded Venizelos but little ground for his policy to be fulfilled. However, his diplomacy resulted in bringing Greece out of her isolation after the defeat in Asia Minor, and in leading her to regain a place in the heart of Europe.

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