Όψεις του μακεδονικού ζητήματος: εκπαιδεύοντας δασκάλους για τα ξενόφωνα σχολεία της ελληνικής Μακεδονίας (1912-1936)

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Σοφία Ηλιάδου-Τάχου


In the present study we search the models of teachers’ education that
could contribute to the creation of the applicable conditions in order effective
in the field of non-Greek speakers’ assimilation teachers to be produced.
These models are the following: a) The technocratic tendency: It was expressed
by teachers, who attributed to the schoolteachers’ education the mission
of the linguistic assimilation of students coming from non-Greek speaking
communities, objective that presupposed, in their opinion, concrete interventions
in the level of educational action, b) The tendency of education of
teachers, “specialized in the northern Macedonian conditions”: This point
expressed by a Director in a teacher training school intended the students’
adaptation in the educational environment of non-Greek speaking villages
through their practical exercise, c) The theory of “creating a class of teachers
coming from the non-Greek speaking villages": According to this version the
process of “exellinisme” in Macedonia would be achieved, if a class of
teachers coming from the non-Greek speaking villages could be created. This
class could function as models in the local societies. The model that finally
prevailed in the education of Macedonian space was the last one.

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