Η περίοδος μετάβασης στα Βαλκάνια. Η περίπτωση της Αλβανίας

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Θεοφάνης Μαλκίδης


Immediately afterwards the collapse of system of real socialism, the
countries of former Eastern notepad sought their integration -between these
and Albania- in Western European forms economic and political-military
collaboration and more specifically in the growth of relations with E.U. and
the NATO.
Of course, this process of democratization with parliamentary system and
with an economy that will give accent in the mechanisms of market involves
structural and institutional changes. The liberalization of economic structures
constituted a powerful “shock” for most economies that take place under passage,
at least for the first years of this process. The differences in the internal
policy and constitution of individual Balkan countries, the different orientations
internal and exterior political and the divergences in the levels of economic
growth determined the degree of success or failure of import of institutions
of mixed economy. The paper aims at it as it investigates the
economic and political parameters of period of transition in Albania and it
presents the main points that characterized this time phase.

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