Κριτική παρουσίαση του έργου του Δημήτρη Κιτσίκη, Ιστορία της Οθωμανικής Αυτοκρατορίας, Αθήνα, εκδ. "Εστία", 1988,243 σ.

Main Article Content

Κωνσταντίνος Χατζόπουλος


The reviewer begins by summarising Professor Kitsikis' book and outlines its
basic arguments. He then goes on to criticise some of the author's views, which he
considers to be either erroneous or exaggerated and untenable. The criticism is directed
at the following points: 1) did the Ottomans 'liberate' or did they conquer the people of
Asia Minor and the Balkans?; 2) what was the precise nature of 'Ottoman culture’ and
how far can it be said to have been 'unified'?; 3) did the sultans really safeguard
religious freedom in their empire?; 4) was education for the Ottoman Empire's non-
Moslem subjects 'absolutely guaranteed?; 5) what was the real nature of the Christian
klefts' movement?; 6) what were the factors which led to the genesis and development
of a national consciousness among the Balkan peoples?; 7) what exactly was the Greek
War of Independence and what were its aims?; 8) what were the reasons for the collapse
of the Ottoman Empire?; and 9) how did we reach the point of the exchange of
populations between Greece and Turkey in 1923 and what was the significance of the
exchange for the two nations?

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