Θεμιστοκλέους Σολομού Πατριωτικά Ποιήματα, 1889-1898 Οδησσός, 1898
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While in the Soviet Union searching for written evidence on the activities of
Greeks there, I came across a manuscript collection of poems by Themistocles A.
Solomos. MS No 26 in the Gorky State Science Library in Odessa (Odesskaja
gosudarstvennaja nauénaja biblioteka im. A. M. Gor'kogo), it has 35 folios and dates
from 1899.
At the end of the nineteenth century, this unknown poet of the Greek Diaspora
was experiencing, in Odessa, the realignments taking place in the Balkans and his
fellow Greeks' efforts to join forces. They were to be vindicated later on by the Balkan
Wars of 1912-13.
The main theme of these six poems, which have never been published before, is
Greeks there, I came across a manuscript collection of poems by Themistocles A.
Solomos. MS No 26 in the Gorky State Science Library in Odessa (Odesskaja
gosudarstvennaja nauénaja biblioteka im. A. M. Gor'kogo), it has 35 folios and dates
from 1899.
At the end of the nineteenth century, this unknown poet of the Greek Diaspora
was experiencing, in Odessa, the realignments taking place in the Balkans and his
fellow Greeks' efforts to join forces. They were to be vindicated later on by the Balkan
Wars of 1912-13.
The main theme of these six poems, which have never been published before, is
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