Νέα ανέκδοτα αρχειακά στοιχεία για τον εθνικό ευεργέτη Γρηγόριο Γ. Μαρασλή (1831-1907)

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Κωνσταντίνος Κ. Παπουλίδης


The writer supplements his earlier monograph on Grigorios G. Maraslis,
wholesale merchant, Maecenas, Mayor of Odessa, and national benefactor
[see C. Papoulidis, Γρηγόριος Γ. Μαρασλής (1831-1907): Η ζωή και το έργο
του (Grigorios G. Maraslis (1831-1907): His Life and Work), Thessaloniki
1989, Institute for Balkan Studies, No 222] with new evidence about the life
and activity of his relations and heirs. His information comes from the State
Archives of the Odessa region, a private archive in Drama, and the Archives
of the Foreign Ministry in Athens.

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