Η εικόνα της Βουλγαρίας στον ελληνικό τύπο

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Κυριάκος Δ. Κεντρωτής


The Greek press focuses more attention on Bulgaria than on any other
Balkan country, except Turkey, where issues relating to the Balkan Peninsula
are concerned. News reports connected with Bulgaria are chiefly characterised
by close attention to mere facts, rather than commentary or expert opinion.
Most of the news and information about Bulgaria tend to concern the political
and economic situation and to have a direct bearing on Greek-Bulgarian relations.
As presented in the Greek press, Bulgaria is the land of President Zelef,
who basically follows a pro-Turkish policy. This influences the image of
Bulgaria, which is often regarded with mistrust, owing to the equal-distance
policy towards Turkey and Greece. It is also the country that offers the Greek
business community many opportunities for investment and profit, and, generally
speaking, co-operation with Bulgaria is essential in terms of Greece’s Balkan policy. Between 1990 and 1995, the Greek press credited Bulgaria with the characteristics
of a more hellenocentric approach, presenting a Bulgaria behaving
as Greece would like it to behave. Usually, in fact, this hellenocentric tone
virtually eclipsed the content and significance of the news itself. The few
exceptional cases in which Bulgaria’s true dimensions and potential were
presented did little to counterbalance the general image of the country that
was coloured by a quest for anything and everything that might benefit or
harm Greek interests. Finally, within this basically simplistic format, in which
friends and enemies are taken for granted and suspicion of the role of certain
third parties within and outside the Balkans permeates every article, the
Greek press presents a common objective. At the tum of this century of technological and economic progress, irrespective of the specific historical and
political differences in their approach to and assessment of Balkan issues
(particularly after 1992), Greece and Bulgaria should constantly seek to build
upon the positive aspects of their bilateral relations.

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