Η περιοχή της Καβάλας στις παραμονές του ρωσοτουρκικού πολέμου του 1877-78

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Γεωργία Ιωαννίδου-Μπιτσιάδου


The insurrectionary movements that sprang up with the Herzegovina rebellion
in June 1875, the Bulgarian revolt of April-May 1876, and particularly the
outbreak of the war between Serbia and Turkey in June 1876 were harsh blows for
the Greeks of Macedonia on the eve of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-8.
In the province of Eastern Macedonia, although the Greek population
remained cautious and followed the advice of the Greek diplomatic
representatives, it had to face first the intense hostility of the Ottoman authorities
and the Turkish population and then the violence of the Bashi-Buzuks, the Softas,
the Circassians, and other irregulars; all of which, coupled with the discriminatory
attitude of the authorities, made the life of the Greek rayas extremely difficult.

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