Η πυρκαϊά της Αδριανουπόλεως της 20ής Αυγούστου του 1905 και η μέριμνα της Μητροπόλεως Αδριανουπόλεως για τον ελληνισμό της πόλεως : με βάση ανέκδοτο αρχειακό υλικό

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Πασχάλης Βαλσαμίδης


This study discusses the fire which broke out on 20 August 1905 in Adrianople. No
lives were reported lost, but the fire caused untold damage, destroying churches,
mosques, synagogues, schools, homes, and shops. Many of the victims were forced to
move to Constantinople and other cities. The diocesan authorities appointed a
committee to help the victims of the fire. The committee in turn set up fund-raising
committees in Adiranople itself, and in Athens, Constantinople, and elsewhere. The
committee for the fire victims rebuilt burnt homes, helped destitute families to acquire
their own, and repaired churches and the community buildings that had been badly
damaged. The fire victims also received support from the Ottoman goverment, the
Greek goverment, and the Oecumenical Patriarchate. By dint of great efforts, the
diocesan authorities in Adrianople managed to carry their difficult task through.

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