Ένα project βασισμένο στη Συμπεριληπτική Εκπαίδευση: θεωρητική και ερευνητική προσέγγιση

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Βασιλική Ιωαννίδη
Κωνσταντίνος Δ. Μαλαφάντης


This paper presents a research project based on Inclusive Education in the international Greek-speaking area (Greece and Cyprus). The postdoctoral study focuses on understanding the complex context of inclusion, empowering the inclusive teacher (inclusive teacher) and developing skills in blended education contexts. The main research objectives of the postdoctoral study were: a. The development of a theoretical framework for Inclusive education, analyzing key methods and strategies through which a school becomes more inclusive, b. The creation of an applied framework for co-education, with an emphasis on methods, digital tools and pedagogical practices to enhance the skills of teachers in modern learning environments, both traditional and distance, with an emphasis on collaborative interactive activities (e-tivities), c. The empirical investigation of the skills required by the inclusive teacher in the blended learning environments of the 21st century. Overall, the postdoctoral research: a. Contributes to the contemporary debate on inclusive education and highlights the importance of inclusive teachers’ blending skills in inclusive blended learning environments, b. Strengthens the skills of the inclusive teacher for all educational and professional fields and towards all student potential, regardless of educational needs and learning differences, c. It focuses on highlighting pedagogical aspects, approaches and skills of inclusive teaching in combined contexts of formal and non-formal education, d. It enriches the educational practice by cultivating an inclusive literacy, an inclusive feedback-evaluation and overall, a school improvement in the direction of school inclusion in the context of removing stereotypes and labels against learning, cognitive and other differences in modern heterogeneous classes.



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