«Homo aedificans» dans les littératures sud-est européennes

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George Muntean


In this article, an effort has been made to make—for the first time in such breadth—a critical review of modern literary works inspired by the wellknown motif «Maşterul Manole», or the sacrifice to construction, treated in
specialized articles. As two classifications—that is to say modern literary works and folk literature—might need supplementary clarification, the author prefers the formula «homo aedificans», which can be applied equally both to works of folklore and to literary works of the same nature, independently of the national literature to which they belong. The motif of the homo aedificans (or the motif of construction) has a wide circulationinworld literature and is relatively frequent in the modem literatures of South Eastern Europe. This can be explained by the fact that in the abovementioned zone, modern literature is based on the old folkloric motif, which is robust and widely spread, and according to which every human creative art presupposes a sacrifice. Considering the constructions as microcosms, the author tries to explain a multitude of aspects seen from a literary point of view, in time and space. Interest in these aspects has grown constantly from antiquity up to our time, and it seems that Rumanian literature holds a central place, if not  the first, in this respect. The comparative study of this material leads to the above conclusion, as well as to the discovery that in almost all South-East European literatures (simultaneously approaching the motif) there can be seen a diversification in method, a tendency to find new ways for the literary presentation of the dramatic essence of this motif, which constitutes a source of enrichment for the respective literatures, Greek, Rumanian or Jugoslav, wherever it appears. The fact can be explained by the multitude of meanings of this theme, of its importance which constantly becomes more pronounced, and by the circumstances that urge the inner vocation of man to create, indefinitely justifying in an ontological, historic and social way his presence on earth.

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