Η διανοητική-αναπτυξιακή προσπέλαση στην ηθική εκπαίδευση: ένα ελληνικό παράδειγμα

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In this paper a theoretical presentation of the Cognitive-Developmental approach in moral education is attempted, along with a paradigm of application in a portion of the" curriculum of the Greek lyceum. The paper stresses the need for moral education and the not so successful attempts by the "bag of virtues" approach and the cult urological and relativistic theories of the type of "value clarification". The Cognitive-Developmental approach is viewed as a better answer and ii is defended along the lines of psychology and philosophy. From the means of moral education, namely moral atmosphere in the school and the curriculum, the author selects a portion of the latter, Antigone of Sophocles and draws a scheme of teaching it in order to foster moral growth along the lines of the stated approach.

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