Συντεταγμένες και ζεύγη: μια πειραματική προσέγγιση μέσα από προβλήματα, που τα επεξεργάστηκαν ομάδες μαθητών στη τάξη

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In this article we present an experimental work with problems on ordered pairs and functions, solved by groups of pupils of the 2d class of Gymnasium (13-14 years of age). The objective of this experiment was to find out whether, and in what extent, the children would be able to «transfer» the idea of an ordered pair, a relation or a function, from the simple (numerical-graphical) form on the plane -with which they were already acquainted- to more complicate situations and problems from everyday life. The results were generally positive, but the solutions and their formulations were at an intuitive level, in which graphical representations played a fundamental role; also children, working in groups, tend to «forget» the formal mathematical language and use more «free» expressions in their activities.

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