Σχέσεις σχολείου-οικογένειας: έννοιες, μορφές και εκπαιδευτικές συνεπαγωγές

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Τhe relationship between school and its environment in general, and the pupils' families in particular, is considered to be a significant determinant of the quality of the education provided and an important influence on a child's educational achievement. An immediate result of this acknowledgement has been the recognition that parents have the right to involve themselves in the school enterprises in order to affect this achievement. This led to an increased effort to open the school to pupils' parents and the implementation of a wide range of activities and practices for engaging families with schools. The rubrics of 'parental involvement' and 'parental participation' in schools have both been used in order to describe these endeavors. This paper depicts these changes and the relevant ideas and notions. Moreover, it reviews available research evidence regarding the implications, of parental intervention in the school enterprise.

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