Η σχέση τοπικού και παγκοσμίου στη συγκριτική έρευνα στο χώρο της Συνεχιζόμενης Εκπαίδευσης

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In this paper I look at the whys and the how’s or legitimizing comparative research in Continuing Education that focuses on the study of the local and the specific, as part of a micro-social research paradigm that emphasizes the importance of contextualized experience. My basic argument is that the study of the local -although bouncing and non-general sable- can east new light on the interpretation of the global. In continuing education, an area in which personal experience – as a locality- is valued greatly, the study of the local can help us understand the global and relate it to our own experience. I support my argument by suggesting that legitimating of comparison between different personal experiences (localities) is possible through Leotard’s assumption of production of ideas as part of his more general approach to 'language games' rather than generalizations. To emphasize the practical side of my argument 1 present a research model for case-oriented comparison that I used to study different learning experiences based on personal biographies.

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