Η ανάπτυξη πρακτικών συμπεριληπτικής εκπαίδευσης ως συνέπεια της διαδικασίας ένταξης των κωφών/βαρήκοων μαθητών

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In recent years there has been a big debate regarding the ways in which the different educational systems in the world could develop more inclusive practices in their schools. Based on the idea that the education of children considered as having special needs should be considered as a part of a wider process of school development in this study we will try to investigate the implications of the integration of deaf and hard-of-hearing students in rela¬tion to the practices used by teachers. Using qualitative data from a school in Cyprus we form two assertions which are substantiated with examples that include inclusive practices. The integration of deaf and hard-of-hearing students led teachers to the development of more inclusive practices which had an impact on all students of the school.

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