Η αξιολόγηση της συνεργατικής διδασκαλίας στην προσχολική εκπαίδευση.

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Cooperative learning is now an accepted and often the preferred instructional procedure at all levels of education. The significance of cooperative ap¬proach in children's learning and development has been well established by numerous empirical data these past decades. However, despite the widely accepted support cooperative learning provides to the teacher, there are lots of teachers that hesitate to adopt this method due to the various problems and difficulties they face in its' application. This paper discusses the problems preschool teachers face in using cooperative learning. More specifically if focuses around the difficulties early educators have in the evaluation of young children's achievements and development while working coopera¬tively in groups. Furthermore, we discuss the organization and context of evaluation in cooperative learning and present some assessment techniques adjusted to the needs of the preschool classroom.

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