"Θέλεις να μάθεις Αρχαία Ελληνικά;" : διερευνώντας τα μαθητικά κίνητρα για την εκμάθηση των Αρχαίων Ελληνικών στο γυμνάσιο.

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Motivation is unquestionably an important prerequisite for successful learn¬ing, especially language learning, given the personal and social implications of such an endeavour. What are, however, the motives of students that are not taught a foreign/second language but rather a heritage dead language? Despite the fact that Ancient Greek is a subject that is taught to all Greek students for all the duration of their secondary education, students’ motiva-
tion to learn Ancient Greek has not been thoroughly investigated. This study investigates Greek students’ motivation to learn Ancient Greek in the Greek lower secondary school and the factors that influence it, focusing especially on lack and decrease of motivation. Qualitative and quantitative data shows that, though students are initially motivated to learn Ancient Greek, mainly by interest or ethnic duty, the Ancient Greek school course and social influ¬ences result in significant motivational decrease during the first two years of Ancient Greek learning.

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