Απόψεις των σπουδαστών του Ε.Π.ΠΑΙ.Κ. της Α.Σ.ΠΑΙ.Τ.Ε. για τον ρόλο του επόπτη– παιδαγωγού κατά την πρακτική τους άσκηση με μικροδιδασκαλία
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In this study we investigated the views of students of EPPAIK for the role of teacher-supervisor during their practical exercises in micro-teaching. The research involved 164 students from five different parts of EPPAIK for the academic years 2009-2013. As a research tool it was used the questionnaire with open questions. Of the164 students and after analysis of the context they were 331 statements, which are divided into three thematic categories. Specifically, in 149 of them (45%), students assess positively the role of supervisor-teacher, in 66 of them (20%) criticize whilein116 (35%) make suggestions and express desires for his role. Based on this classification we can understand that the role of the supervisor-teacher valued positively by 45% of the statements of students who took part inwhile a significant pro-portion (55%) of statements expressed critical comments and negative remarks or mainly wanted to propose changes in his role. As basic recommendations students expressed their desire that supervisors have a specific direction, meaning common guidelines for all about implementation of micro-teaching as well as the need to exist flexibility in the documents that are required of them by the students In addition, students would like to watch videos from other students and also the micro-teaching supervisor to perform his microteaching on his own before the students present their own.