Παιδική Κακοποίηση: O ρόλος του εκπαιδευτικού και του σχολείου στην εκτίμηση του κινδύνου που διατρέχει το παιδί – θύμα

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Ευαγγελία Σιαφαρίκα
Νικόλαος Χολέβας


This article aims to highlight the educational implications of child abuse, to present the research data recorded in different countries to identify and report child abuse by teachers, the role played by teacher and school characteristics reporting of incidents as well as factors influencing teachers’ decisions to inform the competent authorities and services. Finally, reference is made to the legal rules defining the obligation to report child maltreatment to the main hosts of petitions as well as to the first cascade recording system, which acts as an im­portant tool for coordination and electronic interconnection of competent bod­ies and services for the investigation, diagnosis and management of KAPA-P incidents, but this is by no means a reference to a competent authority or body.

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