Πηγές επαγγελματικού άγχους και ποιότητα εργασιακού περιβάλλοντος εκπαιδευτικών πρωτοβάθμιας εκπαίδευσης στον καιρό της οικονομικής κρίσης

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Χρήστος Μοσχίδης


The present study investigated the relationship between the quality of the working environment of permanent teachers ofXanthiPrefectureand their sources of occupational stress in the context of the new educational reality that has been shaped by the economic crisis. The research questions asked were (a) the qualitative characteristics of the participants ‘work environment, (b) the sources of their professional stress, (c) the relationship of the qualitative characteristics of the teachers’ work environment with their sources of professional stress; and (d) contributing to the quality of their work environment in shaping their sources of occupational stress. The 78 participants completed a questionnaire assessing the sources of their occupational stress and assessing three quality indicators of their work environment. The results showed a reduction in basic salary and benefits as the main source and financial as the most important occupational stress factor. Climate and relationships have emerged as the most important quality indicator of their work environment. There was a low statistical relationship between economic and prestige factors, with quality indicators of organization and administration and resources, resources, human resources. It was found that teachers have an “open” school climate and the impact of the financial deterioration of their teaching work does not cause particular occupational stress.

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