Οι νοητικές παραστάσεις των παιδιών ηλικίας 10 έως 14 ετών για τη θρέψη των φυτών και τη φωτοσύνθεση

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The conceptions of children 10-14 years of age regarding the subject of plant nutrition and photosynthesis have been elicited by a questionnaire survey addressed to 310 students of E' grade primary and A' and C grade of junior high school. The determination of the conceptions and misconceptions was conducted by two techniques, a multiple choice test and the solution of a problem concerning photosynthesis, the results of which were compared. Our findings show that very few students understand the whole procedure of photosynthesis and its role in plant food production. The main misconception we found is that plants obtain their food from the soil. The possible influence of the textbooks on the development of relevant misconceptions is also discussed.

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