Πολιτικές εκπαιδευτικής και κοινωνικής ενσωμάτωσης των ατόμων με αναπηρία

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Στέλα Μαρκαντώνη


In the present study in response to the article of Alix Bernard Disability and political integration. The issue of adaptation to the environment from the book Health, illness and social bond, is determined, the issue of disability and its psychoanalytic approach. Disability models are presented with greater emphasis on the social model which understands the disability as political and social issue and as social construction. The impact of these models in the education of disabled persons and their integration into the educational system are also presented. The imperative need of school integration of students with disabilities is notified and models of integration and equal inclusion are analyzed, with emphasis on the consultative model as the most successful model of full integration of children with learning difficulties. Finally, the study highlights the social integration of people with disabilities and it presents the European policies for their social inclusion.

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