Εφαρμογές θεάτρου και δράματος για τη βελτίωση της αναγνωστικής ακρίβειας σε δίγλωσσους αναγνώστες

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Κωνσταντίνος Μαστροθανάσης
Μαρία Κλαδάκη
Νικόλαος Ανδρεαδάκης


The present study examined the effect of theatre-based instructional strategies to reduce reading errors in order to address the issue of enhancing emerging bilingual learners’ reading skills. Two types of theatre-based interventions were implemented in school classrooms over a seven-week period using a semi-experimental methodology to evaluate how well theatre-based teaching approaches contributed to reducing reading errors in both decoding and comprehension. Results indicated how significantly these techniques improved reading accuracy. The results show the potential of theatre methods in instruction to help students from diverse backgrounds achieve better reading scores.

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