Η επίδραση των παιδιών με νοητική καθυστέρηση στην αυτοεκτίμηση των αδερφών τους

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Μαρία Ζαφειροπούλου


he present study has attempted to assess the impact children with mental retardation have on their siblings' self-esteem. The study compared 55 siblings of mentally retarded children with 55 matched .siblings of non retarded children. The participants' assessment instrument was the Culture free Self-esteem Inventory for Children (Form B). Results indicated that siblings of handicapped children are comparable to siblings of non handicapped children in self-esteem. Gender and birth order did not prove to be significant individual difference factors in the group of siblings of mentally retarded children. However, of significant importance were the birth-order-by-sex interactions and the age gap between handicapped and

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