Διερεύνηση του εννοιολογικού πεδίου εκπαιδευτικών προσχολικής εκπαίδευσης για το περιβαλλοντικό ζήτημα του "φαινομένου του θερμοκηπίου".

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Μαρία Δασκολιά


The present study was conducted among 159 in-service kindergarten teachers who were attending a degree - qualifying training program at the Department of Early Childhood Education of the University of Athens. The study aimed to explore their conceptual frameworks on the environmental issue of the “greenhouse effect”. The data collecting technique that was used was a free word association task. Among the findings of the study are the following: (a) the “greenhouse effect” is structured as a construct along two basic axes: “global warming” and “climatic extreme events and disas¬ters”, (b) there is a general fusion of ideas concerning different environmen¬tal problems, (c) the well-rooted confusion between the “ozone hole” and “greenhouse effect”, already emerged in previous research, also arises in this study. Conclusions and implications for kindergarten teacher education are further discussed.

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