Απόψεις Υπευθύνων της Αγωγής Υγείας για θέματα σχετικά με παραβατικές εκδηλώσεις μαθητών στο σχολείο.

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Βασιλική Ιωαννίδη
Σοφία Βασιλειάδου


This research examines the role of School Health Education towards the dominant issue of violence and delinquency among school-aged children. It is addressed to teachers who coordinate health education activities and programs in secondary schools and investigates their knowledge and views concerning the issue. In majority, teachers believe that delinquent behavior has a bad influence on school environment and brings major difficulties at their work, while, on the other hand, school itself stigmatizes the young delinquent. Teachers also believe that coping with delinquency in schools is their responsibility and for that reason they demand special training and strongly suggest the collaboration between educators, children and their families, specialists and other organizations.

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