Ανασκοπώντας τον λόγο για τον επαγγελματισμό των εκπαιδευτικών

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Βασιλική Φωτοπούλου
Αμαλία Α. Υφαντή


The aim of this paper was to examine the key characteristics that define teachers’ professionalism on an international scale, and their relation to the school in which the teachers act. Initially, teachers’ professionalism is presented in its content and its context and then an attempt is made to reveal the link between theoretical understanding and experiential application approaches to teachers’ professionalism. In this dual process, the theoretical approach is identified and applied to teachers’ everyday life, whereas the former is conceptually defined and fed back through their lived experience. Consequantely, the significance of teachers’ professionalism is highlighted as well as their potential contribution as professionals in the attainment of educational changes and/or in other creative initiations in school. Therefore, it becomes evident that the conceptual study of teachers’ professionalism has a significant comparative research interest and it may provide fruitful reflections in the contemporary educational context.

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